Programs and workshops

When you attend a Hacks for Her workshop, expect to have your mind, hands, body and heart fully engaged and stimulated.

Whether it’s an hour-long Lunch and Learn or a multi-day program, each workshop is carefully crafted learning experience that provides opportunities for participants to explore, reflect, play, practice, and (sometimes most importantly) to forge connections with one another.

While I always aim for a workshop experience to exceed expectations, it’s my relentless focus on implementation skills that many clients value most highly. Drawing on the fields of behaviour design, neuroscience and psychology, I equip participants with the skills and confidence to make meaningful changes to how they operate at work and at home.

In addition to workshops based on
my keynote topics, two additional
favourites are


Steer your career through change and uncertainty 

If you've been in the workforce for more than five minutes, you're no stranger to change and uncertainty. 
The past few decades have seen huge shifts in our professional lives, from to how team communication is managed on a daily basis.

It's not surprising that even the most change resilient and optimistic among us are likely to feel a wee bit apprehensive about how to navigate a professional landscape that is both complex and uncertain.

While we all know that change and uncertainty are here to stay, many of us are still spending more time planning our weekend Netflix’s viewing than we are planning how to steer our own careers. And when it comes to taking action, overwhelm, self-doubt and fear often defeat our good intentions. 

In this action-oriented workshop, Anna will debunk three common career myths (including ‘follow your passion’) and share simple, evidence-based approach to getting in the driver’s seat of your own career. 

Write your own career story

Our beliefs and mindset about careers - about the role of work in our lives, about our own potential, about the purpose of working - begin to form when we're very small. Sometimes, we're still basing our professional journey on advice or feedback we received decades ago. 

Understanding our current Career Stories is the first step to writing our own. 

Participants will leave this workshop with:

• an understanding of the helpful – and not-so-helpful - messages and beliefs that have driven their career choices and decisions.

• the ability to dial down unhelpful stories and begin to construct a more empowering narrative for where they’ve been and where they’re going.

• increased clarity about what they want out of their life and career, and the actions they need to take to become the author of their own career story.

Get in touch to discuss
booking me for a workshop

Get in touch to discuss booking me for a workshop

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