Programs and workshops

When you attend a Hacks for Her workshop, expect to have your mind, hands, body and heart fully engaged and stimulated.

Whether it’s an hour-long Lunch and Learn or a multi-day program, each workshop is carefully crafted learning experience that provides opportunities for participants to explore, reflect, play, practice, and (sometimes most importantly) to forge connections with one another.

While I always aim for a workshop experience to exceed expectations, it’s my relentless focus on implementation skills that many clients value most highly. Drawing on the fields of behaviour design, neuroscience and psychology, I equip participants with the skills and confidence to make meaningful changes to how they operate at work and at home.

In addition to workshops based on
the keynote topics, three additional
favourites are


Why "follow your
passion" is terrible career
advice, and what to do

If you're like most professionals, planning
your own career rarely makes it to the top of your priority list. When you do get
around to contemplating your next steps, it's either difficult to identify what you
*really* want, or the path to achieving your aspirations seems frustratingly hazy.

This highly interactive session offers an opportunity to begin to collect data, explore your options and take action so
you can develop a Road Map for the next
phase of your life and career.

We'll explore:

• Why conventional career advice, including ‘follow your passion’ is often impractical - and what you need to focus on instead.

• How to build your own Career Support Crew, even if you currently have no clue where you’re heading.

• Three simple actions you can take immediately to help you move forward in your current role with greater clarity and courage.

Write your own career

Our beliefs and mindset about careers - about the role of work in our lives, about our own potential, about the purpose of working - begin to form when we're very small. Sometimes, we're still basing our professional journey on advice or feedback we received decades ago. 

Understanding our current Career Stories is the first step to writing our own.


Participants will leave this workshop

• an understanding of the helpful – and not-so-helpful - messages and beliefs that have driven their career choices and decisions.

• the ability to dial down unhelpful stories and begin to construct a more empowering narrative for where they’ve been and where they’re going.

• increased clarity about what they want out of their life and career, and the actions they need to take to become the author of their own career story.

How to make friends with
your inner critic and build career courage, clarity
and confidence

For many of us, the Inner Critic – that pesky little voice in your head that tells you you’re not smart enough, or you’re too demanding, or you’ll make a fool of yourself – is a near constant companion. Allowing it to dictate our actions can lead to playing small, forgoing opportunities and staying stuck.

In this highly interactive workshop, you'll learn :

• how to use your voice and body language to dial down self-doubt.

• three techniques to replace your inner critic with an inner coach.

• practical strategies for boosting your courage in both formal and informal
workplace settings.

Get in touch to discuss
booking me for a workshop

Get in touch to discuss booking me for a workshop

Get in touch