Keynote Speaking

Having been a performer since kindergarten, it’s no surprise to anyone that in my fifth decade I still love being onstage. Keynote speaking is where I bring together Anna the performer, Anna the truthteller and Anna the highly polished professional.

My keynotes are high on interaction and energy, and I’m known for engaging even the most sceptical of audiences (think police, academics and auditors) through humour, honesty and the ability to balance inspiration and pragmatism.

Each of my keynotes includes interactive elements, relatable anecdotes, up-to-date research and super-practical, realistic take-aways that empower participants to take action. If I can possibly manage it, I’ll have people practising new skills before they leave their seats

Some of my favourite keynote topics – all of
which can be tailored for mixed gender or
women-focused events - are:


Princesses and
superheroes: How gender
stereotypes limit us all

Ever noticed that men and women are sometimes treated very differently in exactly the same circumstances?

While Australia has made huge advances in gender equality in recent decades, gender stereotypes can still play a big
(and often very unhelpful!) role in our personal and professional relationships, our career and personal decisions and in our self-belief. aspirations and wellbeing.

Drawing on my own unconventional
upbringing, this keynote illuminates:

• the nonsensical - yet damaging – nature of so many gendered

• simple strategies for dialling down the impact of gender norms, both at work and at home.

• why challenging traditional masculine stereotypes is every bit as important as challenging traditional feminine stereotypes when it comes to achieving gender equality.

Tiny habits for career

Women already know how to be brave.
Most of us do scary things every single day.

But we don't always recognise our own acts of courage - perhaps because
most of the time, the world still tells us that being nice, polite and accommodating is far more important than being bold, brave and tenacious.

'Career courage' will mean different things at different phases of your career.

Sometimes it looks like continuing to speak in a meeting, even when you're being constantly interrupted. Sometimes it looks like asking for greater flexibility, or pursuing a development opportunity, or seeking out the support you need to get through the week. And sometimes it looks like taking a massive leap into something completely new.

This action-oriented keynote will help 

identify what courage looks like in their daily lives

practice techniques for dialling down self-doubt, and

understand why focusing on building courage can be more valuable to career fulfillment than focusing on building confidence.

The power of boundaries

Saying 'no'. Asking for what we want and 
need. Speaking up even if some people don't want to hear what we have to say...

Thanks in part to gendered social norms, for many women, setting boundaries feels hard. *Really* hard. And maintaining them can be even tougher. Yet when our
boundaries are fuzzy, rigid or non-existent, our wellbeing, relationships and career fulfilment inevitably suffer.

In this uplifting keynote, I explore:

the gender-based messages that can influence our approach to setting boundaries.

the three phases of boundary setting, and the opportunities and pitfalls in each.

practical strategies for dialling up your presence and power by setting and maintaining boundaries at work and at

Find out more about working with me as a speaker and a
full list of keynote topics.

Find out more about working with me as a speaker and a
full list of keynote topics

Find out more